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Corpora-related publications
- Garfinkel, S. Digital Forensics XML and the DFXML toolset, Digital Investigation, 2012.
- Woods, Kam, Christoper Lee, Simson Garfinkel, Extending Digital Repository Architectures to Support Disk Image Preservation and Access, JCDL 2011, June 13-17, 2011, Ottawa, Canada.
- Woods, K., Christopher Lee, Simson Garfinkel, David Dittrich, Adam Russell, Kris Kearton, Creating Realistic Corpora for Forensic and Security Education, 2011 ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law
- Garfinkel, S., Paul Farrell, Vassil Roussev, George Dinolt, Bringing science to digital forensics with standardized forensic corpora DFRWS 2009
- Garfinkel, Simson., Automating Disk Forensic Processing with SleuthKit, XML and Python, Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensics Engineering (IEEE/SADFE 2009), Oakland, California.