This page provides information on converting from one format to another.
Disk Images
Disk images may be distributed in Raw (dd), EnCase/Expert Witness (E01), or Advanced Forensics Format (AFF) formats.
To convert from EnCase to Raw format, use the ewfexport command (part of the libewf package):
$ ewfexport filename.E01
If filename is a multi-volume EnCase file, you may need to specify all of the files on the command line, e.g.:
$ ewfexport filename.E??
On windows, you may need to specify all of the file names:
$ ewfexport filename.E01 filename.E02 filename.E03 …
To convert an AFF file to Raw format, use the afconvert command (part of the AFFLIB library):
$ afconvert -e raw filename.aff